
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 42 of lock down

Hello everyone,

We went for a walk at sunset today. The sky was so beautiful like paint mixing on a palette . The moon was so round like a rice biscuit. I must be going crazy in hunger.

During the walk, I made a poem for Mum!

If I bought Mum a yacht
She will say yikes!
and ask why did i bought her a yacht
and that I should have bought her a bike.

Her yacht is four stories high,
So high it will reach the sky,
If she needs to go to the loo,
She just opens the window to poo.


  1. Hi John
    Another great post John. I like the descriptive way you have described the sunset and the moon. Great poem but I'm not sure Mum will like the last line. Keep these post coming I look forward to the next one.


  2. Hi Steve,

    Thank you. Mum wasn't amused ;)


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