
Monday, September 27, 2021

Be Poem..........


I did a Be Poem to inspire my self to be the best. This week we looked at what it means to be in a community. We looked at the bonuses and drawback of being in a community. Some of the advantages of being in a community are: you get help from other people in your community, get to make new friends, get more information about what is happening and more.  

This is my work: 

And this is the link to my work : My work

Do you know any more bonuses of being in a community?   


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

What are we making?

Hello everyone, 

This is my Reading task create for this week. We were supposed to read a set of instructions and record the outcome. The outcome was yummy scones!

 What would you eat your scones with?


Hello everyone,

Our Math task this week is to design a logo incorporating at least 2 types of transformation. This is my logo for animal insurance. I have incorporated reflection, enlargement, translation and rotation.

 Can you see the forms of transformation mentioned?



Today i did a set of instructions that teaches you how to make Pom-poms. 

This is the link 

Do you think that you can make a Pom-pom with my instructions ? 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Statistical Investigation


For my Maths task, I did a statistical investigation on my parents weekly playlist. This is what I found out. They don't share the same favourites but they are both not fond of Fusion and Techno.