
Saturday, January 2, 2021

Which face is real?


Today i tried to spot what looked odd on this man and his background.

This is the picture :


  1. Kia Ora John,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey, it is awesome to see your first post of the summer and I look forward to seeing more as you continue blogging!

    I think you did a great job with this post and that you spotted some great differences to prove which image is real and which is fake and went into great detail. Did you get a chance to guess which images were real or fake in the quiz? If so, how many did you guess correctly?

    I also would like to know what tips and tricks you used to tell whether an image is real or fake.

    Happy Holidays, Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Hi Zana,

    These are tips and tricks you can use to tell whether an image is real or fake.
    1. Look for blurred parts in the picture
    2. Look for uneven spots on the face
    3. Parts of the face may not fit
    4. Uneven skin texture
    5. Background not the same
    Hope this helps.



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