
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Fruits and vegetable art


Today i did a piece of fruits and vegetable art. It was very nice to make and do.

The three facts about this artist :

  1. He was born in Italy 
  2. That he can make art out of fruits and vegetable
  3. That like his father, Giuseppe Arcimboldo started his career as a designer for stained glass 

Hope you like my work:

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Art Colouring Book


Today I did the Art Colouring Book on Google Arts. This is my work. Hope you like it:

This is the step up part where I looked at the elements of art on my work:

Optical Illision


Check out my optical illusion! I can create a big monster by being nearer to the camera. The people further away will look smaller. Then its just a matter of positioning. 

I really enjoyed making it with my Grandma and cousins.


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Treasure code


Today we did Treasure Map Code where we had to make a code to say things.

Here is my work 

Try to guess where this beach is. I used pigpen cipher.

3D Paper


Today I made paper stars. I am used them as eyes for my pet Pom-poms. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Pom: 

One tip: 
When you cut the paper for the stars make sure you cut them straight or it will come out weird.

What would you use your paper stars for?


Friday, December 25, 2020

Te Reo Maori

 Kia ora,

Today i did a Te Reo task where i had to fill in the gaps to ask "What are you doing today?" and answer "I am going to....." . My choice was the beach. 

This is my work : Hope you like it

Meri Kirihimete ki a koutou


My family and I sang at the St Mary's Pro Cathedral Church choir for the 6.00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. I really enjoyed singing in church. Our voices resonated and the organ sounded so grand.

Here is a video :

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong ?


Today i did something like an eye test but it was for the Summer Learning Journey It looked something like this : 

So you look at the pictures and then you respond what do you think is different. I had to do 10 of these and then i made my own. This is how mine looks like :

What is your response?

This is the link to my work : Hope you like it 


Optical Illusion


Today I looked at optical illusions. This is my optical illusion :

Do you see it?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Insect art & Haiku #3

Kia Ora,

I made an insect from the bits from my garden. It is supposed to be a grasshopper. Do you see the resemblance?

I also made a Haiku on insects. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Catnap Cafe


Today we went to the Catnap Cafe.  The cafe had a playground and toys for the cats to play. You can't stomp on the floor because you will scare the cats. Don't let the cats have any of your food (human food) because this will make the cats sick. This place is a relaxing and peaceful place. 

Me playing with Jasper the cat.

The cats here are rescued cats. The cafe tries to get them adopted and give them forever homes.

The cafe also sells things to get money to rescue more cats.

Cat sleeping on the sofa.

Would you go to this cat cafe ? 

Cat Haiku:

Building a Xylophone


This is my version of a xylophone. I filled glasses with different levels of water and tried to play a tune with them. 

Question: Do you know how to make a xylophone ?

Monday, December 21, 2020



Today I did a Haiku for the Summer Learning Journey. I hope you like it. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Question: Would you do a Haiku and what would you write about ?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ice skating

 Kia ora,

Today I went to the Alpine Skating Rink to skate with my friends. The ice was hard as a rock.

It is hard to control and move in skates. Here is a video of the skating rink. You can see skaters moving nicely around the Christmas tree and  if you look carefully you can see me skating.  

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Life saving skills

Today we had a swimming class.

We practiced with a life jacket, googles and swimming suit. 

My swimming teacher taught us how to put on a life jacket in the pool. First how to do it our self and then help other people in the deep end or in the sea. We can use this skill in the sea. It is a good skill to learn. 

Would you want to learn this skill ?  

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Making Pom - Poms


Wool, scissors and some string. 


First we wind wool on the pom- pom maker and then cut it and tie a string to stop it from unraveling into nothing. 

What i will use it for

I'm going to make it into bunting to hang in my caravan.


 What is your favorite colour combination and what would you use it for?