
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Why Money can buy happiness


This week for writing we had to write a persuasive text on a topic my topic was Why money can buy happiness. 

 Why Money can buy happiness

You know the phrase: money can't buy happiness. It turns out, that's not all true. Money can buy happiness depending on how much wealth you have and how you spend it. 

Research shows that happiness rises along with income, up to a point. A 2010 study looked at surveys of 450,000 Americans and found that people with higher incomes reported higher levels of happiness , up to an annual income of $75,000. After that, it drops off. 

When money doesn't buy happiness

Sometimes money can’t buy happiness and most of the time it is short term happiness and after you buy the item you will feel good and will want to use it depending on what it is. After you use it you might feel like you want to buy something else.     

Basic Needs

Being able to meet basic needs like food, housing, and healthcare are top priorities.  Then, the amount of satisfaction coming from income varies depending on things like the cost of living in your neighbourhood and your personal interests.

  • Increased comfort
    I think People make more money so they may have the ability to purchase things that reduce suffering like a new couch. This is true when comparing to low and moderate income groups.

  • More control

In fact, having a sense of control accounted for 74% of the income and well-being.

Do you like money or not care about money ?

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