
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

New Bridge SLJ Activity #10


Today i am doing a task where i have to make a pedestrian and cyclist walk way for the Auckland Harbour Bridge. It was fun to do and i learnt a lot of stuff about bridges. This is what i did:

My idea is to have a suspended long oval over the current bridge. It will be suspended by poles and stabled with cables to the existing bridge. My bridge must be able to withstand the strong winds and maybe earthquakes. So the bridge must be flexible but stable.

Do you have another idea for the bridge ?

Monday, October 18, 2021

1 Minute Sports Challenge Activity 17

 Hello everyone,

My 1 Minute Sports Challenge is hitting the shuttle cock continiously without dropping it. How many times can you hit the shuttle cock in 1 minute?

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Best Way to Travel SLJ Activity #19 (Part2)


My previous blog was also on the best way to travel. I chose travelling by bicycle because it is low cost, low carbon foot print and it is good for us. 

New Zealand is so far away form the rest of the world. We are surrounded by the oceans and sea. How are we going to travel beyond our borders and across the water?

Actually I think that the best way to travel it by plane because of our geographical situation. It  is an exciting way to travel in my opinion and it's faster and has less accidents than other methods of travel. Air travel can reach most destinations in hours. Air travel also benefits the economy, as well as additional aid to safety and health. That why i think that travelling by plane is the best.

I also understand that we need to come up with a sustainable bio fuel which is renewable and cost effective because the main thing making air travel the best way to travel is the cost.  

What do you think is the best way to travel ?

The best way to travel SLJ Activity #19 (Part 1)

Hi everyone,

This is my work for the best way to travel. It has to be low cost, low carbon emission and good for us. The obvious way would be by bike.

Don't you agree with me?

Friday, October 15, 2021

Future Travel SLJ Activity # 5

Hello everyone,  

Today we move around our city in cars, bikes, buses, trains, scooter or skateboards. In this task we have to think what we are going to use to move around in the future.

We have to consider whether it uses fuel. If it does then it must be bio fuel and not fossil fuel so that it can be renewable. We must also consider other renewable energy like solar power, wind power or even hydrogen power. It has to be cost effective and sustainable. It must also be able to move many people quickly.

I have come across many great ideas and power saving transportation. The one that impresses me most is the magnetic train in China because it does not use fuel. More about the Maglev train here.

What is you favourite future transport?

Crossing the road SLJ Activity #8

 Hello everyone,

This is the age old question 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' Check out my link to find out!

What was your reason?

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Stop Motion SLJ Activity # 11

Hello everyone,

Today I tried doing the Stop Motion activity. It was fun! 

My story is about a town and the people were going about their usual business.  From nowhere huge dinosaurs appeared and the people tried to drive off but couldn't. The cars ended in a pile up. Some people were eaten by the dinosaurs. It was Christmas time when this happened.

What is your story?


Animal Movements SLJ Activity #9

Hello everyone,

Many animals move in unusual ways. Today I have chosen 5 animals for my poster to highlight their unusual ways of moving from one place to another. What is your favourite animal movement?


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Paper Planes SLJ Activity #18


Today I did the 3 paper plane challenge where you make three planes and you measure to see how far it goes.

I did it twice. Once on the grass and once on concrete. When i did it on grass, the plane that went the furthest was Plane #1.

Then when we did it on concrete.

Measuring the distance with a measuring tape. The results were as follows:

Plane #1 - 1120 cm

Plane #2 - 780 cm

Plane #3 - 730 cm.

Plane #1 was again the furthest.  

So now i know that Plane #1 has the best design.

Did you also do the plane challenge? 

Moving to Where SLJ Activity #12


Today i am doing a Spring Learning Journey task where I  have to say where in the world  I would like to move to, why do I want to move there and what I will miss about where I live now. 

I would like to move to Japan because of the food that they have and the many things that I can do there. Like go to Disney World, Universal Studios and more. 

I think what i will miss most about where I am living now is having a fish and chips shop next to me and the peace and quiet. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Traffic Survey -SLJ Activity #7

Hello everyone,

Today I did a survey on how people move around in my area. I found that they use cars the most and scooters /skateboards/buses the least. A column chart is easier to see the data compared to a pie chart.   
How do you get around from your area?
Me doing the survey by my street.

My survey on paper.

My survey data on Google Sheet.

Column Chart:-

Pie chart


Moving in Space - SLJ Activity #20

 Hello everyone,

When the Earth gets too populated, people will start moving to the moon. 

Today I used Minecraft to make a spacecraft. My spacecraft is used to transport people from Earth to the Moon just like an aeroplane transporting people from one country to another.

It is equipped with temperature and pressure adjusting device so the passengers can be protected from the conditions on the Moon.  When the spacecraft reaches the Moon, there will be a tube connecting the spacecraft to the building to let the people out.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Timeline SLJ Activity #1

Hello everyone,

This is my timeline of transport inventions. I really enjoyed researching and looking at the different types of transport and putting this timeline together. Which is you favourite transport?

Line Drawing SLJ Activity #15

 Hello everyone,

This is my line drawing to show movement. 

It is an art illusion of a familiar shape. Can you see it? 


Car Tunes - SLJ Activity #2

 Hello everyone

I created a car tune to listen in the car when mum is driving. My inspiration came from the animation Gravity Falls created by Alex Hirsch. More about Gravity Falls .

Its really funny and i enjoy watching it every time. 

The show was made for Disney Channel and the first episode was on 15 June 2012 and the last on 15 February 2016. The opening theme is 'Gravity Falls Theme' by composer Brad Breeck.

I hope you like my version of the song.

John's Car Tune