
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 8 of the lockdown

Happy sunny day everyone!
Today was such a nice sunny day to do any school work. As I was lying around the sofa watching t.v, mum says I should learn a trade so I can earn a living when I grow up. What's that?
Mum says I can wash the windows because people will pay good money for that. Since I am on training, I won't get paid this time. 
I was not willing to do it at first but after I had finished I was happy because it was fun but not satisfied with my work because it was not done properly. There were still some spots not done. I might do it again.
During the 30 minutes, dad helped me with the ladder  while mum cooked lunch.


  1. Hi John

    It looks like you have had a very productive day! I'm sure your parents will be very grateful for your work! I love the photos that you have included in your blog post. What other jobs do you think you might get up to over the break?

    Miss Henderson

    1. Hi Miss Henderson

      I helped dad do the garden today. He was really happy with me.

  2. Great to see you helping out at home John! I like that you ahve reviewed your window washing - Good on you for thinking you might do it again.

    What did Mum and Dad think of your work?

  3. Hi Miss Earl

    Mum and dad were quite pleased with me.


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