
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reading W2 T3

Hello everyone,

Today we learnt about  Positive and Negative Intent using the Fantastics .This is the task sheet:

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Reading Week 1 Term 3

Hi welcome to my reading blog this week.

This week we learned about the 9 Fantastics. And we read Little Red Riding Hood.

What do you think you learned from my blog today?

Writing W1 term 3

Hello everyone, 

Today we did Sentence Stackers for today workshop

A picture of my work:

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Hello everyone,

I participated in this tournament today. It was interesting to meet players from different schools. It was a good learning experience for me.

We started with doubles. I was paired with different player for each game. It was  difficult to learn about my partner in such a short time before switching. 
I also get to umpire games and learn the scoring system

I got a prize

Pizzas after the tournament 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


 Hi everyone,

Today I went for pom-pom making class to make these Pokemon pom-poms. A lot of work  involved but I got awesome results. I am very proud of myself for making the Pikachu, Eevee and Pokeball. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Rope making

Hi everyone , 

Today, I learnt to make rope using cabbage tree leaves. 
Step 1 - First we soak the leaves overnight to soften it. 
Step 2 - Then we separate the leaves vertically at the spine. 
Step 3 - We make a knot with the 2 halved leaves.
Step 4 - Twist the outer leaf 3 times away from us.  
Step 5 - Bring towards us and repeat with the other leaf until you get to almost the end. 
Step 6 - We can either make a knot or add more leaves to make it longer. 

I really enjoyed making the rope. If i am stuck in the jungle, a rope will come in handy. 

I hope you like my blog and have learnt to make ropes! 

Twisting the leaves My rope

Adding a new leaf to make my rope longer

 The rope making class at

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ferrymead Heritage Park

Hello everyone, 

Ferrymead Heritage Park is such an interesting place with trains and trams running at the same time. I got to ride on both. 

There were shops selling old stuff. Many I don't even know how to use.  There were also the church, post office, jail, bank, cinema, printer, bakery and many others. Although some shops we couldn't go in, we could peep through the window. It's an old town and we could see how people used to live.

The Curragh House has antique furniture and other things from long time ago. Only missing were the old ghosts. The fire station had antique fire engines that needed to get water from the pond to put out fire.

I enjoyed myself today. The weather was sunny and it wasn't crowded. 

Add caption

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Hello everyone , 

If I had a dog , it would be a husky. This Siberian breed was developed by the Chukhi people to North Eastern Asia. Huskies are used in Antarctica for 100 years. The last dog came off ice in 1994 because now we use machines instead of dogs. 

The thick pads on their paws and double coat means they can survive temperature as low as -56 degrees Celsius.

I competed the Husky Rescue NZ Husky Mushers Program at the International Antarctic Centre today.

I got to brush a husky's fur and mush. We were also thought safe patting. Never touch a husky's face or chest because it might bite you. Patting the belly tells the husky that the dog is the boss. The safest spot is the back.

 After spending the day with the huskies and understanding what i need to do to own a husky, think it would be difficult to have one as a pet in my small house and garden . Huskies are working dogs. They need lots of exercise daily which i cannot  provide. I have to walk it at least 5 km a day.  

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Hello everyone,

I went for a badminton workshop at Zhu Badminton Centre today: 

It is an amazing place. The flooring is so special and grippy. They are so strict about the shoes we wear so we won't spoil the surface. 

There are 12 courts and they hold international badminton tournaments here. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Hello everyone ,

Sonic doesn't know where he came from but he knows that he was brought up by Longclaw the owl whom looked after him since young. Sonic calls her Obi-Wan Kenobi that eats rats . Longclaw believes that Sonic's powers will be in demand by the evil characters and Longclaw tells him to  hide and never stop running. 

While trying to escape the evil echidnas, Sonic travels to Earth to a small town called Green Hills in Montana USA using the golden ring. The golden rings allow him to travel to safe worlds. Following Longclaw's  advice to stay hidden, Sonic is lonely because he has no friends or family. 

One day Sonic became so angry he caused his existence to be revealed and he was pursued by Dr. Robotnik. While fighting the evil doctor, Sonic gets close to the Donut Lord (Tom Wachowski a local police officer) and his wife Mrs. Pretzel (Maddie a vet). 

At the end, Sonic ends up living with them and their dog. Basically this was Sonic the Hedgehog Movie 2020 which I enjoyed watching at the cinema  yesterday.

The movie is more detailed compared to the game created by SEGA although the game has more characters. Maybe the sequel to the movie will include these characters.

Sonic is a blue hedgehog with super powers. Also known as the Blue Blur because he a can run so fast and only looks like a blur.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Writing W1

Hello everyone ,

This week we had to change our Report . 

And this is is what i did:
I hope i did better

Math W9

Hello everyone , 

Today we did some math We had Create a screencastify  or poster to show your understanding of the strategy.
Please make sure you show your understanding of a  multiplication and division question and the goal was

Use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers and decimals.

This is what i did :

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Reading W8

Hello everyone , 

Today we did Reading we did a wanted poster  for a book that we choose and now i will show you 1 of my work for now . Hope you liked it


Math W2

Hello everyone ,

Today we did some Math you could pick the Year 7&8 data or the Covid 19 data. I picked Year 7&8 data . you have to do a spreadsheet and make a chart .

This is what i did : 

Writing W5

Hello everyone , 

To day for writing war had to pick from 3 stories and a do a short story before you do the story you have to do a graphic organiser. I picked the Creature from the deep .

This is what i my graphic organiser looks like :

And this is my story :