
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 36 of lockdown

Hi everyone,

The more I do ...... the more confused I get .
Is confusion the road to enlightenment ?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 35 of Lock down

Hello everyone ,

I have been experimenting with different ways to do my Digital Learning Objective (DLO) slides.

I really like using the comic strip method to do my Reading DLO. This DLO is part of  my ANZAC Day projects. It is about the events that happened and how it made me feel.

For my Writing DLO on Suffixes, I used solid colours for my background.

Making words plural DLO had gradient colours for background.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 32 of lockdown

Hi everyone,

On ANZAC day, we when for a walk . It was a beautiful day . It was sunny but windy . The leaves were carried by the wind everywhere.

The leaves on the trees have change colour because it is autumn. Every tree is different colour.


The colourful leaves are so beautiful. I brought some home to do leaf painting. First I dabbed some paint on the back of the leaves and print it on paper. I am happy with my art work. 


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 31 of lockdown


Yesterday was my Popo's birthday. 'Popo' is grandmother (from Mum's side) in Cantonese. She is 74 years old.  We did a google/hangout meet with my other cousins from Malaysia and Singapore to sing her Happy Birthday and watch her blow out the candles and cut her cake. My cousin Kaylee who lives with her, baked her a cake. I wished i was there to eat the cake.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 30 of lockdown

Hi everyone 

Last night I had a google meet with my cousins from Malaysia and Singapore. Noelle is from Singapore and she is 12 years old.  Jaeme is 11 years old and Kaylee is 10 years old. Both are from Malaysia.

We chatted and played . It was very fun.

We used to go to the same preschool when we were little. In primary school, we went to The Homework Club for after school care. Then Noelle went to Singapore to study in 2018 and I came to New Zealand this year. 

I really miss them because we were always together when we were little and now we are so far apart. 
I am grateful for the internet and apps like Google Meet for me to speak with and see my cousins all the time.
I am looking forward to the next meeting with my cousins.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 29 of lockdown

Hi everyone,

These are some of my work for this weeks workshops .

Infographic / poster evaluation of the internet information .

Infographic / poster on Arms and Cups .

Using equal adjustment to solve problems .

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 28 of lockdown

I miss playing badminton . Today i played a little  with my Dad and it was nice . It was very funny when the shuttle cock hit mummy and we had to kiss her better .

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 25 lockdown

Hello everyone ,

What do you do on Sundays ?

Today after Children's Liturgy and Mass, I spent my time doing research and watching youtube videos on how to start a business.

Mum made mini burgers for lunch which i had 4 . It was very mini .

After lunch. I helped Dad with some gardening . We filled the green bin because tomorrow is garbage collection day.

Then Mum helped me with some R.E work before dinner. Dad says we can watch a movie tonight and it's my turn to pick . What show shall i pick?


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 24 of lockdown

Hello everyone,

I am going to show you how to make bread with this super easy recipe. No knead method.

3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp instant yeast
 1.5 cup of water .

Step #1 - Mix ingredients into a hairy ball.  Cover with cling wrap and leave over night 

Step #2 - The next day, add flour and remove from the bowl 

Step #3 - Place dough on parchment paper in a deep bowl with cover.
Step #4 - Bake at 230'c for an hour 


Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 23 of lockdown

Hello everyone, 

This is a picture of our caravan Phebe ( named after my grandma) and us at Spencer Park, Christchurch in January 2020. Mark and I are having breakfast in the picture. I love travelling with the caravan. It is like living in a tiny home .

During this year end school holidays, we won't be travelling overseas . Mum and Dad say we must support local tourism. We will be travelling in our caravan.


I have also looked up some nice things to do at every town . I am looking forward to the trip .

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 22 of lockdown

Hello everyone,

It was a productive morning . It was good to see everyone during the workshops .

My workshop tasks today:-



Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 21 of lockdown

Hello everyone,
Made a video for my Writing workshop! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 20 of lockdown

Hello everyone,

Malaysia where i come from is a multi racial and multi cultural country . We celebrate many festivals with our friends . To day is the Tamil or Hindu New Year . It is observed by Tamils with fasting , gift giving and visiting homes & temples .

Mum is cooking lentil (dhal) curry for dinner . It is very delicious when eaten with rice. We can add any vegetable into the dish. Today mum used potatoes, carrots, capsicum, cabbage, radish and lettuce.

First onions, garlic, ginger, chilli, cumin powder and chilli flakes are fried and then poured into the boiling curry. Then vegetables are added and left to boil till soft. Add salt to taste.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 19 lockdown

Hello everyone,

Today I started on the Distance Learning programme . We started with Te Reo Maori and French revision. Mum learnt some new words too. 

Dad taught me how to play the ukulele . My fingers are not doing what i tell them to do.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 18 of lockdown

 Hello everyone,

I helped my mum bake chocolate brownies for lunch . I ate mine with vanilla ice - cream . It was super yummy especially the corners where it is chewy.

We  ate  many chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday. The first one after the egg hunt.

I made a card for mum to post on Facebook and Whatsapp to wish everyone Happy Easter.

                                                                                   Outside my bedroom window
 My Easter card                                                                                             Brownies & ice-cream 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 17 lockdown


Today i did maths; tables. multiplication, division ,squares, roots and fractions . It is easy when i realised division is the opposite of multiplication.

I helped mum make croquettes for lunch. 
Steps to make croquettes:-
  1. Boil and mash potatoes 
  2. Cook and mix in mince meat
  3.  Shape croquette like a rugby ball 
  4. Roll in flour
  5. Dip in egg 
  6. Roll in panko 
  7. Fry till brown   
I ate mine with tomato sauce. It was nice.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 16 of lockdown

Hello everyone,
Day 16 of lockdown blog 9/4/2020 was supposed to be Day 15 of lockdown.   

Today we watched mass on tv. It was Stations of the Cross . There are 14 Stations. At 3 pm we watched the Lord's Passion . 

We went for a walk at the park after that. The leaves on the trees have started to change colour. It 
was nice getting out of the house.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 16 of lockdown

Hello everyone .

I helped mum and dad cook lunch today . Dad  helped  me setup the barbeque pit so i could cook some chicken , bacon and eggs . Mark helped set up the table . We had lunch on the deck in the sun. it was nice to eat in the sun . I made a special burger for everyone .

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 13 of lockdown

Hello everyone,

Today i  painted a turtle and i remembered the time that we went to Redang Island.

In July 2019 went for a family holiday in Redang Island. We took a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu and then a ferry to the resort. We stayed at The Taaras

We did many things but my favourite was swimming wit the turtles. The boatman picked us up from the resort and brought us to the middle of the sea. We jumped in and swam with the turtles. The turtles like to eat squid so I was safe to swim with them because they don't eat people. They are huge but gentle.

At the turtle lab, we helped release baby turtles into the sea. I hope my baby turtle doesn't get eaten by a bird and grows up.

I was scared to go snorkeling because I felt that my feet will touch the bottom which is full of corals so I stayed in the boat. The boatman showed me how to drive the boat.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 12 of lockdown

Hello everyone

Have you wandered what it's like to visit Japan ? I planed a family trip to Japan today .

If we are still in lock down or if there is a restriction on travelling overseas, we can always use the plan for next year.

My dream trip to Japan is for a whole month. We can go during school holidays in December till January. We will go to so many places. l have done a rough plan. Now I am looking at hotels, money exchange, bus and train services, flights , fun to go places and many more stuff. Still lots of work in progress.